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September 24, 2008


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I sure hope you're right, David. At this point I don't want to vote for anybody. No choice seems like the best choice, because I don't feel like there's a good choice to make. Isn't "settling for" a presidential candidate, making a lesser-of-two-evils choice, rather like settling for a friend or spouse? Resigning yourself to the impossibility of doing better and thus resorting to what seems better than the worst?

This is depressing.

I don't agree, Joan. I'm not so disillusioned with Obama. Why are you?

And I think settling for a spouse and settling for a friend are two different things.

And settling for a politician is a BASIC fact of life.

We are grown-ups, are we not?

It's never felt so personal since Sarah Palin was added to the Republican ticket. Maybe it's supposed to feel this way, I don't know. Maybe when the country was just born, when the population was small like Alaska's is, when everybody knew each other, or knew someone who knew the candidate--maybe then it felt like the big decision it's feeling like for me this year.

Maybe after I listen to the debates I'll feel reassured.

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