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November 04, 2008


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I had to go to volunteer work tonight, David so I was in a recording booth and away from the news from 5 - 9 tonight, so your updates brought me right up to date - well, you and and CNN, but still!

I wonder how many live bloggers ignored the phone and had their gas turned off? Perhaps that's what Cristie is fearing? She's a smart one.

All afternoon I replayed the memory of the muggy summer night of July 27th, 1967, less than a week after my fifteenth birthday,when my drunk mother hauled me out front of our Woodward Avenue apartment forty miles north of downtown Detroit, pointed to the tower of billowing smoke on the horizon, and shouted in my face "Those people hate us and they're coming to get us! We're next. They're coming here next."

Her prediction was partly right - 'they' have arrived. Or at least one black man has traveled those endless forty miles. Thank God. I hope that I, along with a lot of other white people, can put away some of the shame I felt that night - the first time I understood the crime we may not have committed directly, but had certainly perpetuated through ignorance and arrogance.

I can't remember feeling so proud to be an American in all of my fifty-seven years. I think I might actually go out and buy a red, white and blue flag and fly that sucker tomorrow!

David - Congrats to you and everyone in America tonight! President Obama - Woo Hoo!

Now I get to say: "I told you this was going to happen" and I couldn't be happier.

It's kind of cool to be here for an historic moment that's a wonderful thing.


So what are you planning on doing with the Pabst? I'm just wondering...

Ragan managing editor Roula Amire wrote to tell me I shoulda been in Grant Park:

"When CNN called it, the atmosphere was just indescribable. Everyone on fire. I turned to Wendell, a black gentlemen sitting next to me and said, 'Can you believe it, Wendell, he’s going to be our president?' He looked at me, paused, then grabbed and hugged me until he gathered himself together.

"I’ve never loved this city more."

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