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March 24, 2009


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...and I'm one of those who sparingly reads Seth's and was pointed to yours.

I will sparingly stop by here to see how you're doing ;-)

Dear coming: It's been nice to have you and your friends around, though I ran out of everything today but peppermint schnapps.

So David, I went to Seth's site (one I do occasionally visit, but don't have on an RSS feed, though I probably should), and couldn't figure out how his readers found out about you. Tell the rest of this story! What'd he have to say about you (and by association, us!)?

I didn't know either, until I asked Godin and he informed me that I'm the link behind "all five" in this item, about Twitter:


Luckily for all of us, Godin uses his powers for good.

From now on I'm going to mention Seth Godin in every one of my blog posts in hopes of hitting a similar jackpot.

I predict this moment will be a springboard, and by next year you'll be surrounded by your own screaming mob at the SXSW conference. Please try to remember your early supporters, David. I wish you all the best.

Ron, it's been real.

Yes, quite an impact. Really glad you got on to Seth's radar. I'm one of those who have just registered for your feeds as a result. Great stuff here.

The title of my next post:

"Putting the GOD in Godin: Why I love Seth Godin."

Then, like Ron, I'm going to mention him in every blog and tweet I do. Tweet examples:

"Having fish for dinner. I bet Seth Godin would love this fish!"

"Check out this link to the NY Times. I wonder if Seth Godin would like it."

I'm gonnna get me some of that Godin love one way or the other.

Ironically, we were both keynote speakers at the same Ragan conference once, but we were two ships that passed in the night.

Steve C.

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