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February 27, 2011


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Not sure who inspires me more, the protesters or your video. Thanks for sharing.

I'm a public employee and union member in another state that's fighting the good fight. I've been chastised for saying it, but I see this as a Rosa Parks moment for organized labor.

BTW, that's a great lead! Must be the time you spent at Kent State!

It's kind of funny that the sign in your video screen capture seems to be saying "Abolish Unions."

Steve C.

One more observation: This has a very conservative feel to it. It's a traditionalist movement, not a radical one: It's people trying to hold into a way of life.

The protesters don't look like protesters--they look like Wisconsinites plucked from their homes at random.

You know that's the situation when the fire and police are on the side of the demonstrators.

Here's from today's Trib story, about the scene at the Capitol on Sunday night.


Brian Austin, 40, an off-duty Madison Police Department detective and executive board member of the officers' union, was among those who stayed in the Capitol on Sunday night. Austin said it was "surreal" to be facing arrest after 15 years as a police officer.

"But it's because I'm a police officer that I'm here, and it's because I'm a parent" wanting to set a good example, he said.

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