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March 02, 2011


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Insightful and admirable

Very interesting. There's a refreshing sanity to not wanting to seem unreasonabl by people who, if the negotiation is successful (which in my case means more that I got the gig, as opposed to actually being fairly paid, but still...) will expect you to be reasonable. Amen.
There's a parallel rationale for why Canadians seem overly polite to the rest of the world. The risk in being aggressively defensive of your right to not having your heel bashed from behind by a grocery cart is that the very person you holler at and possibly flip the bird to on your way out of the store could be the one you need to ask for help from to push your car out of the snow in the parking lot. There just aren't that many of us up there, the living is hard, and we need each other. It's more a question of prudence, survival, and long-term thinking than one of politeness.
Maybe Obama also has a Canadian back there somewhere in that glorious soupy gene pool of his.

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