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June 08, 2011


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I'm sorry, but my eyes are BLEEDING! I'll have to get back to you on a comment about that . . . um, I don't even know what to call that [actually, I do, but my Mother taught me better manners than that!]


It reminds me of one of my favorite headlines. Making fun of a precious, pointy-headed, pipsqueak-moralistic study on what constitutes "excellence in public relations," Larry Ragan wrote an article titled:

"Does selling scads of brassieres constitute 'excellent public relations'?"

>>Does selling scads of brassieres constitute 'excellent public relations'?<<

Yes if you sell them to men.

As for Perfect Bound Marketing... never-ending crap.

The good news is they are trying to sell books and not write them.

The bad news is that it looks like a con.

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